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Journey into nature, and bask in the peace and serenity of God. Harken as creation points to its Creator, and calls everyone back to the basics in order to receive Heavenly bliss. View the breathtaking wonders of nature. Hear the birds sing their enchanting love songs. Imbibe the beauty and fragrance of the exquisite flowers. Be captivated by the rhythm, rhyme, and images of these poems, and become a part of the love that is in the air.


Flames of Love is a beautiful collection of religious poetry. Whenever you need inspiration or just a calming moment, these poems will fit the bill. You will find over thirty poems that are filled with nature, beauty, and emotions that reflect a personal relationship with God. A great little book to read at the beginning of your conversations with God daily. This poetry will lift your spirits and make your day brighter. It will soothe your mind and rest your soul. These poems would be excellent for study and memorization in a Catholic school.

Laura Taylor Middle School Literature and Sixth-Grade Religion Teacher St. John Neumann Regional Catholic School, Lilburn, Georgia, USA.

In our fast-paced modern society compounded by some harmful influences from social media, many individuals are confused and are highly at risk of moral decadence. The reemergence of ideologies such as individualism, relativism, and hedonism seriously shake the cultural foundation of our faith and way of life. This book, Flames of Love, which is a collection of poems by the author, Buihe Pauline Okenu, powerfully invites us to return to our flower gardens or into the inner recesses of our beings to discover the true path to peace with God and our neighbors. I strongly recommend this carefully researched book, Flames of Loves, to all those who are truly searching for peace of mind and happiness.

Rev. Monsignor Felix Ojimba Retired Clinical Pastoral Counselor, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, USA Rector, Sacred Heart Parish, Orsuihiteukwa, Orlu Diocese, Nigeria.

I found “Flames of Love” to be an authentic expression of the love that God has for us, and the love we should have for one another. The poems are uplifting, delving into the very essence of our beings, which is love in its purest form. I found the wordings very instructive in our quest for a happy and contented life, bringing us closer to both nature and to our creator. This collection of poems is recommended to everyone in search of the true essence of our existence, and indeed in the pursuit of happiness. The inspirational pictures offer the opportunity for meditating on the words, and letting you sublime, to experience an awesome tranquility in the inner recesses of your soul.

Amazon Customer

About the Author:

Buihe Pauline Okenu is the Founder of Okenu Law Office, LLC, with offices in Snellville, Georgia and San Antonio, Texas. She has both Juris Doctor (J.D.) and Master of Laws (LL.M.) degrees from the University of Georgia School of Law, Athens, Georgia. She also has a Bachelor of Laws degree (LL.B.) from the University of Nigeria, Enugu Campus, and a Barrister at Law degree from Nigerian Law School, Victoria Island, Lagos. Having developed a love for poetry and creative writing at a young age, she draws inspiration for her writings from the Bible, nature, and everyday life experiences. She lives in San Antonio, Texas, with her husband and three children.

Office Locations

16607 Blanco Road, Suite 1108
San Antonio, TX 78232
Phone: 210-888-1048
Fax: 210-600-3303

2138 E. Main Street (US Highway 78)
Snellville, GA 30078
Phone: 770-609-6945
Fax: 770-979-3559

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